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  • Writer's pictureAlba Nuvo

It Felt Like A Mission

Hi there!

I hope this blog post finds you well! 😊

I find myself having to share my experience today while doing the most hated chore (besides laundry) GROCERY SHOPPING!

To get started having to make sure 2 children are ready to head out, you have to pack essentials like snacks, books, bottles, baby bag, etc. This was the usual so I was used to it.

Then the Rona craziness...

you need to walk out of your home with Sanitizer, masks, disenfectant wipes, grocery bags.....I felt like I was preparing for a battle!

Everytime I leave my home I find my throat drying out and my heart pounding a million miles an hour. I become paranoid with every crawling germ that could be potentially on any surface, especially my lift.

Coming back home to wipe everything I bought and bringing back with me this tightness in my chest which make me panic thinking...

Did I bring the virus back?!!

How did this happen to me?

My fear is not for me but for my children! A baby and a young boy who has had his issues with his respitory system, not to mention he's quick to catch a cold like it's game of tag.

I do worry more for my kids than myself.

I decide to do the shopping alone while my husband waits with the boys, the less people in the store the better.

Or so I thought...

I saw plenty of people without masks and I could freak out! You are probably like, wtf?

Let's just say from when this all started I could count on 1 hand the times I've left my home.

You would think I was a germaphobe these days...

Months Later (December 2020)

Now back to work and back to series 3 of the lockdown.

A repeat of the usual, except for the upgrade to Tier 4.

Vaccines are being made, but will everyone want to partake?

Aren't we lucky we believe in those who make the rules...

(I do hope you are a keen observer of sarcasm😉)

Christmas is now ruined but I am still lucky I am healthy, along with my family. Unfortunately many won't have the privelage to say the same.

I feel selfish to even make any sort of complaint so I will end it with this...

A prayer for all of the lives lost this year, especially those due to Covid. Stay safe and may the New year bring hope, peace and strength to deal with what may lie ahead.

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