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  • Writer's pictureAlba Nuvo

𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬...

This image took my breath away.

When I watched the video of George Floyd my heart sank a million times,

I was stressed knowing I couldn't do anything as his life was snuffed before my own eyes.

I can't even imagine the trauma of those who witnessed it first hand.

It hurt me the most at the moment he yells "MAMA!"

I burst into tears. At that moment I wish I could reach in through my phone and help.

This man called for his mother!

Then I found out the next day that his mother was decreased.

2 years to the date!

He died the same day as her 2 years later! 😔

I feel he called his Mother because he knew what was about to happen.

He called on his angel to come get him.

I could cry all over again.

I am a mother,

A mother to 2 black boys and everytime I see a video or hear a story, I worry.

Even though I live in the UK, I don't know where life may lead us to.

I might go back home to the U.S. but one thing for sure is racism and brutality exists everywhere and anywhere.

I want my boys to be able to walk down the streets without being seen as a threat.

I want them to grow up and be successful without someone trying to stop them due to the color of their skin. They will be good men who I will protect till my last breath.

Too many people are out here falsely accusing black men of crimes they didn't commit.

Recently we've seen videos of racist white women making phone calls to the police,

crying that they are in harm's way.

Thank god there has been a recording to prove otherwise.

As a mother I worry.

I will do my best to ensure my boys are educated about all of the current and past events.

I will show them the images of brave people who fought and made a difference. The Heroes.

I will ensure my boys learn not only about their black background but also their Hispanic background, because to a racist, we are all the same.

It doesn't matter the shade of brown you are, you are special.

You deserve to live, you deserve to be treated as a human being.

As a mother, I stand with the mother's who have lost their children to senseless violence.

I cry for the mothers who stay awake up at night waiting for their children to come back home & I stand with the mother's who kiss their kids goodnight happily knowing they made it home.

Calling All Mothers...

May you be able to rest at night without the fear of losing a son or daughter to any form of violence, especially in the hands of those who swore to protect us.

I pray if you have lost a child that you have the strength to endure the pain and remain strong. My deepest condolences.

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