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  • Writer's pictureAlba Nuvo

Land Of The Free To Do As You Please, Home Of The Brave Enough To Survive.

It is with great sorrow that I write this blog post.

I am saddened by everything that had been going on.

Mainly due to the lives of Men and women who we have lost to injustices, Our Brothers and Sisters murdered.

What it even more sad is that this image alone doesn't cover all of the lives lost throughout the years.

What has lead to riots?

People are mad, people are tired of being ignored!

The fact that we have to say #BlackLivesMatter is not to diminish other lives but to remind many that we should have the same courtesy others are afforded due to their skin colour.

I am raising black hispanic boys

I have black family

I am Afro Latina

At the end of the day when they look my way or their way they won't see what we are mixed with. We are automatically Black. Therefore we are guilty until proven innocent.

What I would give to not have this feeling.

What I would give for my friends and family to not have to worry going about their daily lives.

Many are peacefully protesting despite the fact that we have a virus running rampant.

I also have a feeling and a belief that their are people out and about instigating and causing chaos so that the protests are made to worst.

Therefore they have an excuse to use force.

Many videos surfacing still show that the police don't learn.

Although these images are so sad.What is true is that buildings and materials are replaceable, LIVES ARE NOT!

I am all for peaceful protests and I don't condone rioting but I totally understand that people are fed up.

With so many emotions, lockdown only weeks before and the constant injustices creates this tention and unfortunately this kettle has blown it's lid.

We continue to come across many videos where Police are taking advantage of their "Power" and abuse their authority. Imagine how many more injustices we have yet to see or hear about.

I will say not all cops are bad.

Unfortunately they are lumped in with the rotten fruit.

What also makes them bad

is if they remain silent. Their silence makes them just as guilty.

Guilty by association if you please.

An example to that would be

If your friend robs a bank and you're in the passenger seat, the police will automatically assume you as an accomplice.

Therefore as a silent police officer, you are given the same courtesy.

One thing I know for sure is that


Minneapolis Police Involved In George Floyd Murder

They must be held accountable especially now knowing the other cops involved in the George Floyd death are pleading the 5th. 😠 I reiterate SILENCE MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY.

I really am sorry this post is everywhere but my emotions run wild with everything I am witnessing, the fear of Covid, but mainly the fear that I am raising gorgeous black boys who someday (I pray for otherwise) will be seen as a threat due to their skin color.

My condolences to the family and friends of everyone who lost their life at the hands of injustice.

I wish I could offer a solution.

All I can say is be safe.

Care for one another, help one another.

As best said by Killer Mike:

'It is your duty to not burn your own house down for anger with the enemy.

"For Speech, Click Link

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